Friday, August 31, 2012

Visualization Helps Fourth Grade Boys Behave Well in Class

--Math Games For 4Th Grade of Visualization Helps Fourth Grade Boys Behave Well in Class--

see page Visualization Helps Fourth Grade Boys Behave Well in Class

I just read a animated study by Dr. Suzanne Margiano of the University of Connecticut and four of her colleagues about using visualizations. This could be so helpful for kids who are having problem in school and, quite frankly, for adults as well.

Visualization Helps Fourth Grade Boys Behave Well in Class

Dr. Margiano took 3 fourth grade boys who were animated kids but who were having problem behaving in school. This, of course, is nothing new for many teachers. Unfortunately, what happens, way to often, is we give these kids Ritalin and they calm down. This is for real easy for the parents and the teachers, but it may not be too salutary for the kids. As my wife, a kindergarten teacher, puts it, the kids lose their personality. It is like they have been wiped blank while they are on Ritalin.

And it is nothing new for many of us. We are intelligent, we know what to do, but we have problem doing it. We are used to doing something one way and we keep doing it that way. Maybe we even "define" ourselves by being the joker in the group, or the animated one on the group. And we comprehend that this does not serve us well and we want to turn our ways.

Back to the study! Dr Margiano watched these kids for a few weeks and recorded their behavior. It was as expected, the researchers found a lot of evidence of the kids not behaving well and some evidence of the kids doing the "right" thing. Then Dr. Margiano and the other researchers videotaped the kids and, as we teachers say, "caught them being good!" They videotaped the kids acting the way they are supposed to.

Then the researchers had the kids watch the videotape of the good behavior 2 or 3 times a week for 3 weeks. They showed the kids a videotape of themselves being good! And it helped! The kids started being good in class instead of acting up and getting in trouble. The researchers even think that they planted false memories in these fourth graders. Now, ordinarily, you would think planting false memories would be bad, but here it is great! They planted a false memory of the kids being good and the kids started being good.

How can you use this with your kids? Well, I don't think you have to videotape them. If your child has problem sitting still in class, it would help to have them remember a class where they did behave. In the morning, go over it with them. What did they feel? What were they doing? What were they thinking? You can help them "re-live" the memory and then help them replacement it to their present day class.

Many habitancy also believe that visualization can do this for you. Many of the "greats" in the field of personal development tell us that when we visualize ourselves having closed our goals it helps us to for real perform them. And many of these Very victorious habitancy do visualizations every morning.

Perhaps the most paramount example of this is when Babe Ruth pointed to the bleachers in center field in Game 3 of the 1932 World Series against the Chicago Cubs and then on the next pitch he hit, sent the baseball flying more than 440 feet (135 meters) right into the bleachers past center field!

There are many stories of Olympic athletes using visualization. One of the most convincing is Billy Mills who won gold in the 10,000 meter race in 1964. To win the race, not only did he run faster than the other runners, he ran 50 seconds faster than he himself had ever run 10,000 meters. After the race, he showed reporters his diary where he wrote about his visualizations. He is still the only American to have ever won the 10,000 meter Olympic race.

So why not try this with your son or daughter? Help them to visualize behaving well in class. Maybe they can visualize that every time they start to get fidgety, they take a deep breath and calm down. Or Maybe they can visualize before a math test that when they don't know the reply right away they don't panic but go straight through a list of math procedures to try.

Bottom line, they have to visualize themselves being successful. This can skyrocket their success in school and in sports. It also prepares them for success in life. And, after all, that is what we want most for our kids!

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Math Word Problems in an Esl Classroom

4Th Grade Math Games - Math Word Problems in an Esl Classroom The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Math Word Problems in an Esl Classroom. And the content related to 4Th Grade Math Games.

Do you know about - Math Word Problems in an Esl Classroom

4Th Grade Math Games! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

As a math instructor in Asia, I face the same qoute day in day out. My students cannot do math word problems. They plainly don't understand them. And I am not talking about those 2, 3 students that would even definite their teacher, no I am talking about the majority of my students.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about 4Th Grade Math Games. You check out this article for home elevators a person wish to know is 4Th Grade Math Games.

How is Math Word Problems in an Esl Classroom

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math Games.

Word problems are the heart of my subject; they give meaning to the numbers and tell to our daily life practices. 2 times 2 doesn't mean anything, but 2 apples of 2 dollars each does! Math and conceptualization walk hand in hand.

Most of the teachers at my school seem to be jealous with me because teaching math is supposed to be so easy to teach in our Esl setting. Math is easy because it's all about the numbers, and those are universal. True, but this response overlooks the representation, or perception, of numbers. Math is all about solving problems and requires scholastic reading skills.

Our school is a humble school in Thailand and like many schools in this beautiful country the importance of English as a global language is recognized. Ep schools, or English Programs, are mushrooming in all provinces. For needful tuition fees, young Thais learn all subjects, except Thai of course, in English. This sounds great in terms of improvement and global thinking, but comes with risks.

Thai students are not fluent in English. They unmistakably have poor English skills. International assessment studies demonstrate weak English skills, which is not unmistakably a surprise. The Thai language has no resemblance with English and outside school, and at home, only Thai is spoken.

So how can students in Thailand learn school subjects like social studies, science and math in English without missing the point? This is the million dollar question. How can teachers, school administrators and parents expect these children to learn concepts when the delivery of information is not understood?

Word problems are perceived as difficult by students. It requires students to read and analyze problems in order to come up with the needful methodology. A marvelous example of such a problem, is a inquire from my fourth grade math book:

"The entry fee of a trade exhibition is .40. On Monday 250 habitancy visited the exhibition and on Tuesday 200 habitancy more than on Monday visited the trade exhibition. How much money was collected in entry fees on both days?"

As understandable, the majority of the students will struggle with this problem. Mathematically, 3 steps are involved: addition, again addition and multiplication. Not easy for a fourth grader, but the biggest challenge is not the mathematical operations, no it's the language used. How can any young pupil tell to trade exhibitions? And how many native English students can unmistakably spell the word exhibition correctly? Now imagine Thai students and the mystery for teachers to explain this problem. So much time will be wasted on explaining words like trade, exhibition and visitors.

So how can we teach these problems to Esl students from Thailand, or everywhere for that matter? First, throw away your book! Any book with problems like the one above are not great for young learners and not at all for Esl students. Second: rewrite your material. Use easier language, talk to the English teachers and use the vocabulary taught in their lessons.

The same qoute as above can be rewritten as follows:

"The price of 1 ice-cream is .40. A shop sold 250 ice-creams on Monday. On Tuesday the shop sold 200 ice-creams more than on Monday. How much money did the shop earn on both days?"

With these words the problems has become a math qoute again and most students will understand the meaning of it. Whether they can solve it or not, now becomes a mathematical issue and not one of (non-existent) scholastic reading skills.

Teaching word problems to non-native English students is a challenge, but not impossible. There are may websites out there with great sources. Don't give up on your students. When math is only about numbers, it will never make any meaning!

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Word Play - Four Literary Games Even Kids Enjoy

4Th Grade Math Games - Word Play - Four Literary Games Even Kids Enjoy The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination Word Play - Four Literary Games Even Kids Enjoy. And the content associated with 4Th Grade Math Games.

Do you know about - Word Play - Four Literary Games Even Kids Enjoy

4Th Grade Math Games! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I have tutored too many students who feel uncomfortable writing in their own language. By the fourth grade, they have stopped wanting to write whatever because all they write receives a grade. The two year old who once begged for a crayon has become the nine year old who is tired of failing. When I tell them that words can be fun, they roll their eyes and begin working on the twenty-five sentences sent home for them to copy twice as homework.

What I said. It is not outcome that the true about 4Th Grade Math Games. You look at this article for information about that wish to know is 4Th Grade Math Games.

How is Word Play - Four Literary Games Even Kids Enjoy

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math Games.

Parents always ask me what they can do to help their kids care about English; I advise development words and writing fun. Science has discovered that we tend to recall good what we've learned while laughing. Research has also pointed to a direct correlation in the middle of reading understanding and writing ability. In other words, teach your children to love writing, and they will learn to love reading. Luckily, children always have something they want to say.

You can make writing and words fun for your kids, as well as yourself. Here are four straightforward games that can help you begin:

Story-Story Grow:

In this game, everybody starts with a blank piece of paper. everybody writes a sentence on their page, and then passes it to another player. Meanwhile, a distinct player passes you their paper and you add a sentence to make their story grow. If there are only two of you, you pass the same story back and forth. Essentially, you keep passing stories and adding sentences until person calls for final pass. At this point, your job is to perfect the story passed to you. Once done, you can have fun reading the stories to each other. Sometimes they are silly; sometimes they are wonderful. This game works well in groups of two and in groups of twenty. It works wonderfully with fourth graders who have forgotten the fun of writing. You can play it with your kids; you can play it with your friends; you can play it with your e-mail writing buddies. If players don't know how to start the first sentence, you can always begin with a prompt. Something like, "The most amazing thing I ever saw was..." This game nourishes creativity, understanding, problem solving, and writing skills.

One Word Story:

In this game, everybody works on the same story. The first player writes a word. The next player adds a second word in order to make the sentence grow. Each player in turn adds a new word. However, no word can be repeated. Your goal is to see how long your story can become without repeating a word. If you are working with children, naturally point out the repeat and ask them to try again. Come to think of it, do the same thing while playing with adults. This game promotes vocabulary development, team building, creativity, and fun.

The Rhyming Game:

In this game, everybody tries to have a realistic conversation while managing to rhyme the last word of his or her own sentence with the last word of the former sentence. In other words, if some asks, "How was your day?" you could answer with, "I ran into Bill, he said hay." You are not allowed to answer unless you can rhyme the last word of your response to the last word spoken. If the rhyme dies out, then the last person to speak can say something else and trigger a new word to rhyme. You can play the Rhyming Game everywhere and at any time. Some of my most amusing games have happened while cooking dinner. This game develops listening, patience, rhyming, word play, vocabulary, and roll on the floor laughter.

The License Plate Game:

In this game, you save your sanity while in traffic. Players get points by spotting license plates with letters that can form words. You get more points if you can make more than one word. So 34Crn54 becomes one point for corn, a second point for Cornwall, and a third point for Cornwallis. Not to mention, crane, acorn, crown, croon, cairn; you get the idea. In this game, you can add any letters you want, but you must keep the license plate letters in order. The license plate game promotes creativity, bonding, imagination, vocabulary, and fascinating drives home with your kids. Not to mention that the point keeper learns description keeping and math.

When we make studying fun, studying comes naturally. Kids are sponges, often soaking up facts unexpected and alarming. Learn to play word games with your kids, and they may learn to love words. I know that I owe my love of writing to my mother's love of words. Make a habit of playing these games with your kids, and they may learn to love words from you.

I hope you get new knowledge about 4Th Grade Math Games. Where you may put to utilization in your daily life. And most significantly, your reaction is 4Th Grade Math Games.Read more.. see page Word Play - Four Literary Games Even Kids Enjoy. View Related articles associated with 4Th Grade Math Games. I Roll below. I actually have recommended my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Word Play - Four Literary Games Even Kids Enjoy.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Texas Schools Show Some important Gains On Taks

Texas Schools have the results for this year's Texas assessment of Knowledge and Skills (Taks), and they're pretty good. With a few exceptions most grade levels showed an growth in the number of Texas Schools' students passing the exams. The test is given each year to all Texan Schools' children in grades 3 to 12. Passing the test is a requirement for promotion for any grades.

The passing scores on the tests as a whole are sufficient to make Texas Schools proud: 89% of fifth grade students passed the reading exam, 85% passed in math, and 77% passed in science. There was also a seven-point growth in the number of Texas Schools' fifth graders who earned the Commendation carrying out by answering at least 37 of the 40 questions correctly.

This is neither the most encouraging news, nor the only side of the story. Texas Schools are most pleased by the correction of the seventh grade class. This grade has been the group under the most pressure from the state. It started when they were the first grade level required to pass the Taks for promotion to fourth grade. And it will continue to be scrutinized this year as Texas Schools and state law want passing Taks scores for promotion to ninth grade.

To help this high-pressured, in-the-spotlight group of students, Texas Schools in case,granted their elementary teachers with training in scientifically based reading practices. Their develop has been monitored, and Texas Schools have devoted state funds to provide supplementary hold like tutoring throughout their education. The good news is- it's working. Seventh graders improved in all areas of testing and reported passing test scores of 85% in reading, 76% in math, and 93% in writing. Clearly there are still many of Texas Schools' children who aren't where they need to be, but the evidence that current practices are improving things is good news.

The demand for Texas Schools now is: who still needs help and how do they get it? The "who" demand is sadly apparent. The infamous educational gap that concerns educators around the nation is also apparent in Texas Schools. While 84% of Texas seniors are on track for graduation, the numbers shift when broken down by race. Texas Schools description passing percentages of 93% for Asian-American students, 92% for white students, 76% for Hispanic students and 72% for African-American students. Overall, Texas Schools show a 3-point drop in the passing rate that is notion to be due to increased standards.

Texas Schools provide 5 opportunities for students to pass tests required for graduation in the junior and senior years. The 2006-2007 school year marked the first class to meet the new standards. Overall, the improvements of seventh graders bode well for the Texas schools. But issues like the achievement gap make it all too clear that essential work still needs to be done.

basics Texas Schools Show Some important Gains On Taks basics

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Top 10 Ways to Make Money While Traveling in Your Rv

4Th Grade Math - Top 10 Ways to Make Money While Traveling in Your Rv The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Top 10 Ways to Make Money While Traveling in Your Rv. And the content associated with 4Th Grade Math.

Do you know about - Top 10 Ways to Make Money While Traveling in Your Rv

4Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

When we started full time Rving in 2004, our only income was a small monthly pension check and the money from our house sale. Budgeted to last two years, it was not a whole lot to live on. We needed some supplementary income. Here is a list of 10 income generating possibilities. We tried several before we found our solution. This list is not in any single order, except for the last one as it is what we are doing very successfully today.

What I said. It is not outcome that the true about 4Th Grade Math. You check this out article for information about a person wish to know is 4Th Grade Math.

How is Top 10 Ways to Make Money While Traveling in Your Rv

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math.

1. Using former job training: Margaret was a storyteller and librarian at the social library. As we traveled she told at schools, day care centers and libraries. This generated some income until the economy died. We have a friend who is a roofer; he gets jobs doing that as he travels.

2. Buy and sell on eBay: As we traveled we went to yard sales, bought what we view would sell and then tried to sell those items on eBay. Cost to income ratio was way off. A detach issue was warehouse of items and packing materials in the Rv!

3. Work Camping, Workamping. Rv park work: We did this a few times. Mostly this offered a way to stay at a location with no cash outlay for the site. Most campgrounds ask that you stay for a whole season and, after a unavoidable whole of hours, they pay close to minimum wage for supplementary hours worked. In checking the math, the income was de facto minimal. We found we didn't like to stay in one location for the entire season. The piquant side was development many powerful friends around the country.

4. Holiday sales, 4th of July fireworks, Christmas trees, etc.: regularly this demands many hours worked for a relatively short period of time and only at definite places. We view long and hard about this. Profitability lacked consistency.

5. Selling advertising in Rv directories, grading campgrounds, etc.: There are many jobs available that consist of travel but limit where employees can go. Money was consistent but we wanted to be our own bosses.

6. Selling at Malls and flea markets: You will often be selling assorted items such as oriental rugs, art, or home décor at kiosks. When we started traveling, such minimum wage work was a viable choice. In today's economy, that is not so. We rejected this out of hand because of the travel limits.

7. Work at local theme and amusement parks: In the winter while staying out of the cold and visiting my elderly parents in Florida, we got seasonal jobs at Walt Disney World five years ago. What a blast! While it didn't pay very much, it gave us unlimited free entertainment and reduction perks. In the current economic downturn such employment is unlikely.

8. Camp Hosting: The Us Army Corps of Engineers has great campgrounds that offer hosting opportunities. There is regularly no income but also no cash outlay for your sites. Find them at States, counties and municipalities also have parks; some with hosting opportunities. travel limits turned us off.

9. Work in high density tourist areas: Jobs as tour guides, restaurants and sell establishments at these locations. Competition with locals and lower density affect employment.

10. Last but not least the Internet: We teach fellow Rvers and others how to work from your Rv or home online. It is great fun and a very profitable home based business. Now that we have an sufficient marketing system, we never have to go chasing leads. There is no pressure on friends or family. Company partners come to us. We have found peace, joy and freedom and ask you to originate your abundance.

I hope you will get new knowledge about 4Th Grade Math. Where you can offer used in your daily life. And most importantly, your reaction is 4Th Grade Math.Read more.. sell Top 10 Ways to Make Money While Traveling in Your Rv. View Related articles related to 4Th Grade Math. I Roll below. I actually have recommended my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Top 10 Ways to Make Money While Traveling in Your Rv.

Children Who Are Given an benefit

4Th Grade Math - Children Who Are Given an benefit The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Children Who Are Given an benefit. And the content associated with 4Th Grade Math.

Do you know about - Children Who Are Given an benefit

4Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

As a mum of 2 - 7-year old Donovan and 22-year old Darren, I knew early on in their lives that I would not leave their instruction totally up to the schools and teachers. I decided that I would give these kids an edge in life, in their education. I'm just an ordinary, everyday, 'run-of-the-mill' mum who struggles like everyone else. I only have a high-school diploma and 2 years of college but I have great hopes and dreams for my 2 boys. This is what I did to give them "the edge"!

What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about 4Th Grade Math. You read this article for facts about an individual need to know is 4Th Grade Math.

How is Children Who Are Given an benefit

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math.

I began reading to my sons while they were fresh out of the womb. I believe that reading to them often, singing to them and talking to them (not in baby language), truly gives them the edge that they will need in life. The experts say that a child's mind developes and learns fast and gets the bulk of knowledge in the middle of ages 0 - 3 years...I believe them! I knew that somewhere in the back of those tiny itsybitsy heads, that data was being stored for later use.

Now, at first, my mom understanding that I was lunatic when she'd learned that my 18-month old not only knew his Abc's but could count to 20. A itsybitsy after he'd passed 3 1/2, he was counting well passed 100. He'd learned all of the planets, most of the presidents, all of the states (their location on an empty map) and most of their capitals, could spell the months and days of the week and so much more! By the time they began preschool, the could identify and spell small 3 and 4 letter words. I would read to them everyday.

The first thing I did was purchased a mat (from Wal-mart) with the Abc's on them and the Abc's would all correspond with names of animals that began with those letters. I also purchased flash cards (same place) that has daily words on them. Once they began recognizing and spelling those daily words, they began reading like itsybitsy pros!

It surely wasn't hard work at all! It pays off in Huge dividends. Both my sons have been at The top of their class - not just 'one of the top' in their class! And you know what...they love it! The 22-year old could write his name in cursive just after turning 4 years of age. They both are perfect in math, English and especially reading. My older son, even today, reads all kinds of books. in any place he goes, if there's a magazine or literature around, he will pick it up to read. It makes your kids well-rounded. My 7 year old is an advid reader as well. He's been tested at school and in the first grade, his reading was 3.8 meaning he reads on a third-grade level, 8 months into school. He's now in 2nd grade and his reading midpoint is 4.6 which means he reads on a 4th-grade level, 6 months into school. His allinclusive reading grade for the year is 104.6%. His allinclusive spelling grade is 110% and math is 99%. Great speller! He earns 100s 99% of the time!

Thing is, your child can do it too! Don't waste your money on the high-priced stuff, just go to Wal-mart, K-mart or retailers such as these and purchase the flash cards for spelling, counting, multiplying, etc. The 7-year old has known the entire multiplications (1 - 12) since starting school last year, so, just before he started 2nd grade! It's not that he's a genius, it's just that I started small and kept teaching until I had no more to teach him for his age. I've even begun teaching him geometry - 6th grade level and he can surely work most of the problems that I give him. He has grasped the concept! fabulous that when you teach and teach them, the concepts of these classes come to be so easy for them to grasp!

Most importantly, read to your child each and every day Without Fail! And, when they began reading on their own, make them read at least 45 minutes a day.

I've purchased the academic dictionary, encyclopedia and many chapter books for him to read. He has to read on the weekend as well. He's learned so many "fun facts" and he knows quite a bit about just about any subject you ask either it's about animals, people, places or things. He amazes me most times. My older son is the same.

I remember when he first began kindergarten in Nashville, Tn, the instructor asked me to come in so that she could talk to me. I couldn't imagine what on earth she wanted because I knew that he couldn't be misbehaving - he knows I don't stand for it!

Well, she said, 'I have just one thing to say...I'm dumbfound'! She said that she'd asked the children to get the magazines she had on the bookshelf and to cut out pictures and make a collage. She wanted them to write a story based solely on the pictures they saw. Well, my son got a magazine "People" and took it up to her and surely started reading it - small words, big words and all! She was so stunned that she had to call me in to tell me.

My 7-year old had a instructor who had the same reaction! He'd begun private school here in Memphis, Tn when he was in what they call "Pre-K" (kindergarten). She told me one day, 'Ms. Ballard, Donovan can read'. I said 'uh-huh'. She said, 'No, Ms. Ballard, I mean that he can surely read'! I said, 'yeah, I know...I'm the one who taught him'. I then told her how he knows the names of the planets, presidents, states, capitals, months, days of the year, the Pledge of Allegiance,etc. She said 'Well give you self a pat on the back...that is just awesome, fantastic'!

As I mentioned before, it's surely not hard. Other tips that I suggest is to point, a lot, to objects when children first began "small talk". They will pick up on lots of words this way. Their vocabulary will soar! My son and I would drive by signs on the way to school and to work and say and spell words on quarterly street signs or think of synonyms for words or homophones.

One way that would get your child to view reading as fun is to get them a personalized books. These books have the child's name written into the storyline. That child will not be able to put the book down. If they can't read, I'll bet that they'd Try to read it and once they learn how to read that book, they will not put it down! I just wished that I'd known about these children's personalized books when my sons were small and didn't know how to read or were just starting to read! I would've gotten a faultless library of them!

I just love teaching my kids new things and it's a joy to see them surely "get it"! I would love to help you help your child to read. It, to me, brings lots of satisfaction. Please email me at and I can tell you how to order these books. There are lots and lots of titles from which to choose and I'm sure that there's a title to suit your needs.

Keep up the work the work and the foundation that you may have set already and remember, the key is to R-E-A-D, R-E-A-D,

I hope you get new knowledge about 4Th Grade Math. Where you may put to easy use in your everyday life. And most importantly, your reaction is 4Th Grade Math.Read more.. recommended you read Children Who Are Given an benefit. View Related articles associated with 4Th Grade Math. I Roll below. I have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Children Who Are Given an benefit.

Friday, August 3, 2012

A Student's Perspective on the Effects of No Child Left Behind on American schooling

4Th Grade Math - A Student's Perspective on the Effects of No Child Left Behind on American schooling The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination A Student's Perspective on the Effects of No Child Left Behind on American schooling. And the content related to 4Th Grade Math.

Do you know about - A Student's Perspective on the Effects of No Child Left Behind on American schooling

4Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.


What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about 4Th Grade Math. You check this out article for information on a person want to know is 4Th Grade Math.

How is A Student's Perspective on the Effects of No Child Left Behind on American schooling

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math.

I’ve talked up this description for a while, but made no real moves to write it. I have had a pre-write done for weeks, but still, no real attempt had been put into its production. Well, I have finally hopped to it. I've spent a large part of a day (in addition to the weeks of prewriting both on paper and in my head) writing this article, a practice inspired in part by Glen.

This description will witness the frustrations of students and teachers alike with "No Child Left Behind" and its corollary on the classroom. It will discuss the growing irrelevance of American curriculum to the average high school student. It will give my view on what a high school diploma should symbolize.

Every day, in at least one of my classes, someone complains about school. It’s pretty typical. I complain about school all the time. No matter what the definite complaint may be, everywhere from “I hate this assignment!” to “When am I ever going to use math?” All the complaints boil down to the same basic thing: A majority of high schoolers feel that the education they are receiving is not relevant to them and what they want to do with their lives at that point.

In a lot of ways, their concerns and protests are not unfounded.

The Problem

With the coming of “No Child Left Behind” schools over the nation are being forced to teach their classes towards a test. It is in this that our schools are failing its students. When the only intuit you go to school is so that you can pass one test one year and an additional one the next and on and on until you graduate, the material becomes irrelevant, pointless and discouraging.

Take, for example, my district and school experience. “No Child Left Behind” passed when I was in middle school and was fully implemented for my sister’s grade. In my case, I only had to take the Wasl (Washington appraisal of pupil Learning) in 4th, 7th and 10th grades. My sister will take the Wasl every year until she graduates.

That being said, in high school now, while the only Wasl perceive is in 10th grade, if you are in an underclassman non-honors class, your whole curriculum will be centered on the Wasl. Luckily, I have been in the honors English class and dodged that bullet there. But my friends who were not in that track often complained about the lasting practice tests, the offensive exercises they had to faultless that had petite to do with English class except that it was on the Wasl. Math class was much the same up until Geometry. You learned things that would be on the Wasl. Science classes will have to convert nearby their curriculum now that there is a science appraisal to deal with.

This year, post-Wasl, my classmates are noticing a variation in classroom behavior. A great example is the Physics class and my Honors Us History class. There is not a set-in-stone-need-to-get-this-done-by-this-date curriculum. There is an figure of subjects and areas that need to be covered, but there isn’t a timeline. If the class gets distracted about an additional one topic during the class period that encourages the students to think for themselves, it is allowed to continue. The experiences in these classes that do not teach towards a test are much more inescapable for the students and speedily come to be their popular classes, the ones they get excited to go to every day. And when these students are excited about their classes, they do best and they learn more.

I can empathize with this a petite more now that I am in a Pre-Ap English class that is establishment me for an Ap test next year. It sucks. We do these ridiculous things that I will probably never of course do again all for the sake of a test. When I collate this year with sophomore year English I haven’t gotten anyone out of this year that will last and be memorable.

Making education Relevant

"No Child Left Behind" has screwed with American education in more ways than one. But to me, sucking the vitality out of the American classroom has been one of the most grievous wrongs it has committed. Tests are not a valid way to keep up with students and make sure they are doing okay. You want to have no child left behind? Then the solution is simple: A bigger education allocation so that schools can afford to hire more teachers so class sizes can be smaller.

In order to have no child be left behind, the pupil cannot be able to fall straight through the cracks. Unfortunately, in American schools today where class-sizes are of course bursting at the seams with upwards of forty students, it is all too easy to disappear from school and have not one instructor notice. Tests won’t hold American teenagers in the classrooms, personalized concentration will. With smaller class sizes and more involvement by each pupil in a classroom, each pupil has a larger stake in their education. It becomes a personal option encouraged by the teacher.

The focus on education has been shifted to content, content, content. Suddenly, knowing what years the Spanish American War took place in and the main players makes you educated. I disagree with the view that the details of education are the important parts. We have taken the faultless wrong perspective.

When I look back on the classes I’ve taken thus far, the ones that stand out the most are not the classes where I learned a lot of facts, but the classes where I learned how to think. I think that it is too easy to say that the point in English class is to read these authors, write this much and learn these words, that the point in communal Studies/History is to learn about these wars, these cultural movements, these dates and these people, that the point in Science is to learn about the periodic table, these biological mechanisms and these laws of physics and that the point in Math is to learn these theories, how to write proofs and how to solve for x. That’s ridiculous. Those are not the things I will remember years down the road and I guarantee they are not the things adults remember about school now.

I will remember how English class taught me to fabricate and assert my thoughts well. I will remember how communal Studies class taught me to evaluate and analyze historical and present day situations of course to see what of course happened and whether it was positive, negative, or both. I will remember how Science class taught me to appreciate and understand the world nearby me. I will remember how Math class helped me to additional understand the world nearby me and to think logically. Those are the things that matter. Who cares if American students aren’t learning definite details? The query we should be asking is: Are they learning how to think responsibly, creatively and effectively? I’d have to say that the majority of high schoolers are not. And it’s not their fault. It’s the system that’s in place.


It is the unfortunate truth that a high school education is not relevant to a lot of students today. Classrooms in America today teach details, specifics; not skill sets, methods of determination or presentation of ideas. This is not the teachers’ faults. They are being forced to teach to a test that is incapable of testing these invaluable pupil assets. So what else can be expected?

Teachers are growing continually more frustrated with this every day. I am privileged enough to hear several of my educator's moanings. They wish that the "damn Wasl" wasn't such a huge part of their lives. They are restricted in class now in ways they never were before. These state tests are putting strain on our teachers production it more difficult for them to reach out and be the inspirational teachers we all (will) remember from our high school experience. When "your students have to pass this test or we're all at risk for our jobs" is continually pounded into your head, you begin to lose the drive, the desire to say "screw the Wasl" and emphasize the things that of course matter.

It's a shame.

I’ll tell you what can be expected. Parents, adults, habitancy who can vote and who care about the time to come of America: Stand up and say something for those of us who cannot. We deserve more.

For teens who are experiencing this in communal schools and are growing steadily more frustrated, I encourage you to write intelligently about this issue. How has this act affected your life? In the next few days I'll be posting something about "No Child Left Behind." It will expound what the act puts in place, how it was advertised and how it works. If you feel inclined to speak up, do so and tag your article: teens on No Child Left Behind []. Let's see how many we can get on the subject.

I hope you will get new knowledge about 4Th Grade Math. Where you'll be able to offer utilization in your everyday life. And most of all, your reaction is 4Th Grade Math.Read more.. what Google did to me A Student's Perspective on the Effects of No Child Left Behind on American schooling. View Related articles associated with 4Th Grade Math. I Roll below. I even have recommended my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share A Student's Perspective on the Effects of No Child Left Behind on American schooling.

Prime Factorisation As a Technique For effective problem Solving

4Th Grade Math - Prime Factorisation As a Technique For effective problem Solving The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination Prime Factorisation As a Technique For effective problem Solving. And the content related to 4Th Grade Math.

Do you know about - Prime Factorisation As a Technique For effective problem Solving

4Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Prime factorisation simply means to express a whole as a stock of its prime factors For example, the prime factors of the whole 12 are; 2x2x3. Consideration that all the factors are prime factors that is whole that can only be divided by 1 and itself.

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How is Prime Factorisation As a Technique For effective problem Solving

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math.

Most kids encounter prime factorisation in accelerated math programmes colse to 4th-5th grade.

Knowing this technique allows us to work on sure questions which requires us to find the prime factors or roots of sure large numbers.

On a softer note, you can use the skills learnt in prime factorisation to help you recognize the component parts of a large project.

I will contribute you with two examples of questions in which prime factorisation will come in handy.

Example A: Divide these four numbers, 15,33,35 and 77 into two groups so that the stock of the numbers in each group are equal.

This inquire might stump some people. However, i you are able to apply the technique of prime factorisation and break all the four numbers into its prime factors you can as a matter of fact get the answer.

Solution: 15= 3x5, 33=3x11, 35=5x7,77=7x11.

Looking the prime factors of all the four numbers, you can tell that 33 is not going to be in the same group as 77 since each group must comprise the whole '11' at least once.

Thus the two whole are, Group 1: 15 & 77. Group 2: 33 & 35. Group 1: 15x77=3x5x7x11. Group 2: 3x5x7x11.

Example B: Find three consecutive even numbers whose stock is 13728.

Applying prime factorisation gives us


= 2x2x2x11x12x13

Thus, the three even numbers are 22, 24 & 26.

This is the charm of prime factorisation It allows you to break down large numbers into its prime factors and as a matter of fact recognize the factors.

Besides learning how to break the whole into its component parts or prime factors you can also transfer the skills you have learnt in prime factorisation to managing major assignments. For instance, you can use this technique to recognize the 'root' or significant factors of a big project. This enables you to plan the task more determined as you can see how the personel parts fit together.

I hope you will get new knowledge about 4Th Grade Math. Where you'll be able to offer easy use in your life. And just remember, your reaction is 4Th Grade Math.Read more.. find Prime Factorisation As a Technique For effective problem Solving. View Related articles associated with 4Th Grade Math. I Roll below. I have suggested my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Prime Factorisation As a Technique For effective problem Solving.

Emotions while the School Year

4Th Grade Math - Emotions while the School Year The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination Emotions while the School Year. And the content related to 4Th Grade Math.

Do you know about - Emotions while the School Year

4Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Children's emotions reflect how get they feel in their world. Parents involved with how well their children are studying in school should be aware of their children's emotions. But how to know if the emotions are expressing unusual stress or concern? You have to know what "normal" for the school year is. Whatever also the "norm" should be determined as a warning sign that the child is having trouble at school.

What I said. It is not outcome that the true about 4Th Grade Math. You read this article for home elevators a person need to know is 4Th Grade Math.

How is Emotions while the School Year

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math.

School Year Roller Coaster Emotions

Students are excited to return to school. Most are excited because they are in a new grade with new teachers and were promoted (rarely is Whatever held back any more). That excitement has less to do with studying (task completion) than to seeing their friends again. School is a very social environment!

The excitement swiftly wanes during September when most of the work is report of past work (elementary) or relatively authentically done (few assignments for middle and high school except math which all the time has daily assignments). By October, students have had homework assignments, quizzes and tests in the computer/record book; the grade distribution begins to resolve into place. Students with poor work habits and/or skills mastery have poor grades; students with strong work ethic and/or skills mastery have good grades. Back to school nights and parent conferences usually begin in October when develop grades come out. Students begin to resolve into the routines and look transmit to holidays.

The end of October brings Halloween - an tantalizing time for K-6 students because of the anticipation surrounding candy and (where available) the scary mansion trips. The latter is especially tantalizing to upper elementary and middle school students. High school students usually don't care about Halloween.

It takes about a week to recover from the sugar highs and November begins building for the holiday season. The first 3 weeks of November work and emotions are mostly carport (other than sugar influences). The 4th week is Thanksgiving vacation, so the week is short and workloads are lighter. Excitement prevails in the middle of Thanksgiving and winter break - usually about 3 weeks long. Final grades are due out during the time in most districts, so high school and middle school students often feel pressure. Tempers flare authentically because there is less self-control. Added difficulties happen when the weather is changing during this time (yes, weather fronts Do make a Big unlikeness in behaviors!).

By the 3rd week in December, emotions are high with anticipation, but school work is without fail Not on the students' minds, regardless of age. Customary children work best because they don't have the belief of vacation approaching and Christmas approximately there. Many high schools have final exams before break which puts more pressure (resulting in acting out behavior) on the students who aren't doing so well.

January is a calm month. The students are glad to be back with their friends after break and there are no major demands on them. In most parts of the country the weather is lousy, so they might as well be in school. Martin Luther King holiday is so close to winter break, it usually doesn't register on their minds why they have a day off. The habit is back and students work well. Late January/early February again brings parent conferences; accountability for grades may escalate students' acting out or resisting behaviors. Presidents' Day is a welcome break and every person looks transmit to it but without much anticipation.

Mid-February through spring break (at end of March to mid-April) is the "meat" of the school year when there are no interruptions (other than a report card) and the habit is solid. Heavy assignments (reports/essays) may be given to high school students during this time period. Spring break is a very welcome relief for everyone.

Unfortunately, after spring break students minds are not on academics. The weather is turning better in most places and a welcome respite from being confined for 4-6 months. Sometimes districts will have another round of parent conferences when progress/report card grades are out.

Late spring is also when most states do their state testing; although some states begin as early as November, the "big push" for high scores is in the spring. Teachers pressure students to do well, work hard, pay attention, use strategies they have been taught, and most do. Teachers may also be racing to gift data they think might be on the tests (mostly at middle and secondary levels). during testing, schools often give students snacks and need halls to be "extra quiet". Pressure is on students to comply and achieve well. This pressure often brings out the worst in many, because they know they can't do well and/or tolerate the pressure. When the testing sessions are done, they "rejoice" quite vocally and actively.

Students take the state tests everywhere in the middle of mid-April and late May. The school year may end at the end of May or the middle of June. As far as students are concerned, when state tests are done, they are done. Attitudes toward school and assignments are poor and grades start to decline. Good weather only exacerbates their attitudes, because they are seeing transmit to summer vacation. Those who have fallen behind whether give up entirely or try to race to submit overdue work (these are usually the athletes who want to be eligible for fall sports next year). The last week of school is a trying time for teachers and students alike; every person wants it done with, but completions have to happen. High school and some middle schools have final exams during the last week. Seniors usually have theirs done a week before every person else so they can be released from school early (graduation custom being the rationale from limiting those who will disrupt the whole school with pranks, cutting classes, shouting and horse playing in the halls).

Relief and joy are the last week of school. It is over and vacation is ahead. It will resume the same cycle the next year.

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dumbing Down Our Children - This Is education "Equity?"

4Th Grade Math - Dumbing Down Our Children - This Is education "Equity?" The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Dumbing Down Our Children - This Is education "Equity?". And the content associated with 4Th Grade Math.

Do you know about - Dumbing Down Our Children - This Is education "Equity?"

4Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

One of their favorite arguments: "Why, we can't trust the free shop to educate our children -- the very idea! The free shop excels at many things, they say, but it does not warrant education "equity" for our kids.

What I said. It is not outcome that the true about 4Th Grade Math. You look at this article for home elevators an individual want to know is 4Th Grade Math.

How is Dumbing Down Our Children - This Is education "Equity?"

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math.

What is this "equity" public-school apologists talk about? It means a warrant that all children get a "quality" education and "equal opportunity" to learn. "In the cruel free-market," the public-school bureaucrat says, "the rich get the best schools, the middle class the mediocre, and poor kids get left in the dust." That, they say, is not fair, not "equity."

But why not apply their "equity" law to food, clothing, and housing? Shouldn't all homes, food stores, and clothing factories also be owned and operated by government to ensure "equity?" After all, the rich eat better, have warmer clothes, and live in finer homes than the poor or middle-class. That's not fair, right?

No, it is fair.

In a free-market, those habitancy who make more money than others commonly earn it. They risk more, work harder, work smarter, persevere more, make good life decisions, or choose a profession that has greater occasion to gain wealth. Why shouldn't they enjoy the just fruits of their labor, of their character, of their life-decisions?

Also, what financially prosperous habitancy earn is not taken from those who earn less. Is it the prosperous person's fault the less prosperous do not work as hard, persevere as long, or make good decisions? If you seek blame for differences in people's income, don't place it on those who succeed. Blame it on life, on human nature.

Nature makes all men and women different -- different talents, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. It has all the time been this way since human beings came out of the trees and started walking upright. To stamp your foot at disparities of wage is to stamp your foot at human nature, which is to stamp your foot at reality.

If "equity" for all habitancy is our goal, then for every "inequality" between poor, middle-class, and rich people, whether in food, shelter, condition care, or education, government must loot financially more prosperous habitancy with taxes to remedy what they did not cause, and which is not their fault. This concept of "equity," extended to all aspects of our life, will turn America into a socialist or Communist economic police state. In such a police state, the prosperous are punished and "leveled" by progressive wage taxes, so that all of us end up miserably equal and equally miserable.

But this is an old story, the story called envy. The unhappy who hate the happy, the unsuccessful who hate the successful, all seeking to salvage their self-esteem by bringing down the ones they envy. The communist Soviets tried it for eighty years. The result -- a shambles of poverty, slavery, and failure.
"But," the equity lovers say, "why punish the children? Is it their fault their parents are poor?" No, it is not, but neither is it the fault of those who are not poor.

Even presuming we wanted this "equity" for our kids, have our government schools positively given children equal occasion and "quality" education during their 150 years of control? Jeanne Chall, in her book, "The scholastic Achievement Challenge," sites grim statistics that 70 percent of inner-city 4th-graders read below grade level, that an exploding prison habitancy is made up mostly of men whose reading and math skills are at or below the eighth-grade level. These are just the tip of the iceberg of statistics that prove the utter failure of government schools.

Public-school employees can have the best intentions in the world. So what? What matters is results. For all practical purposes, public schools therefore originate only difference for our children by giving them a third-rate education, especially inner-city kids. Our government-controlled public schools condemn millions of children to a lifetime of failure, while school officials mouth pious goals about creating education "opportunity" for all kids. Could our children be any worse off if public schools were scrapped, and low-cost, competent, free-market schools or tutors taught our kids?

In order to warrant "equal education" for all children, you have to originate a massive, public-school law to inflict this guarantee. Once a government monopoly takes control of your children's education, potential education for your kids goes out the door. Ask education "equity" and we condemn millions of children to a miserable future.

In contrast, if we allow children's natural love of studying to flourish and an education free-market to blossom, even poor kids, as generations of American immigrants have proven, come to be middle-class or even rich. Scrap the public schools and let school choice and open competition prevail, and most poor kids will ultimately get a potential education and rise to their highest potential.

I hope you get new knowledge about 4Th Grade Math. Where you can put to use in your evryday life. And most significantly, your reaction is 4Th Grade Math.Read more.. this guy Dumbing Down Our Children - This Is education "Equity?". View Related articles associated with 4Th Grade Math. I Roll below. I have recommended my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Dumbing Down Our Children - This Is education "Equity?".

Breadth of Mind and the Bible - A Personal description

4Th Grade Math - Breadth of Mind and the Bible - A Personal description The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Breadth of Mind and the Bible - A Personal description. And the content related to 4Th Grade Math.

Do you know about - Breadth of Mind and the Bible - A Personal description

4Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I have often heard the fee that a Christian is - narrow minded. This has never made any sense to me ... And very diminutive logic is required to refute it. But I theorize this has nothing to do with ... Logic. But let's address this logically anyway. And as this is a personal narrative, I will make it ... Personal.
A Recounting
For starters, I was not born a Christian. No one is. I attended social schools from 1958-1971 in Wichita, Kansas. At that time, social schools were more academically oriented than today. In sixth grade, I was entered into a state-wide competition in both math and science. This required additional after school hours. I received honorable mention in both (somewhere between 4th and 10th place). I believe I was already into Algebra Ii. In High School, I did well on the Act, and also passed aeronautics ground school testing (but, after getting airsick ... I did not pursue licensing). I all the time had a great interest in science (particularly life science) and loved studying evolution. I was also particularly concerned in genetics. My Senior year I was named superior Young people by a civic group, and also received a 4 year Army Rotc scholarship to any college in the country with an Rotc program. It paid for everything and even granted spending money. That's government for you.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about 4Th Grade Math. You look at this article for info on that want to know is 4Th Grade Math.

How is Breadth of Mind and the Bible - A Personal description

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math.

In college, I was originally quite heavy in the sciences - bodily Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry ... But later, after two summers of door-to-door sales (and a taste of money) changed to company administration - Economics, Accounting, etc. I had taken up the guitar at 19 and soon found I could write songs. This became my own domain to express my questions and frustrations. Part of my quest during those years was a longing for some kind of substantive coordinating theory for all the facts to which I had been exposed. There were too many unaddressed gaps in what I now know were secular world-view systems. When I was 23 years and 5 months old, I began - in incommunicable - reading the Bible. Even though I had sold Bibles door-to door for two summers, and though I had opinions about it, the truth was ... I had never read it. That's not to say I had never had caress with "Christians" before. For example, ...

Once in Junior High, my best buddy, Jeff, and I - spent the week at a Tent Revival Meeting - perfect with healings and slayings in the Spirit. Actually, we were surface the tent - peeking in from a split in the canvass - and had been having a grand old time ... Mocking them. One afternoon, as we were reenacting "the show" - and getting ready for that night's "showing" - I remember my Mom mildly warning about our antics. Well, that night, in the midst of our festivities, a join of rather big brutes collared us from behind, and said that since we were having such a good time watching, they had front row seats ready for us. Well, next thing you know, two young "sinners" were thrust into the midst of the hoopla. people were falling out all nearby us - in what seemed to us to be seizures - and then one woman fell into Jeff's arms. What were already big eyes, just about popped out of his head. He too was jumping all around, but I can certify you - it had nothing to do with the Spirit. Needless to say, after our leave that night ... We left them alone. That incident didn't win me to "Christianity."

But there were other contacts with Christians too. A year or so out of High School, a kid I had grown up with "found Jesus." He then graced all us hooligans with his presence as "Mr. Spiritual" and "Mr. Deep." I had known him since I was four, and I knew that within six months he would be back with us ... Chasing the girls, among other things. Well, I was wrong. He was back in about three.

And, of course there was the radio and television. You all the time knew when you hit the Christian program. They were all the time request for money. I never could quite figure out ... Why God needed money. It seemed like He could just make some if He needed some. But heck, what did I know? I was just a lackey surface the loop. And in order to keep lively here, I won't even bring up my Bible selling days. My point? Well, I had a lot of opinions about Christianity ... But as far as the actual Bible, as previously stated, I had never read it myself - by myself. But, ... Then I did. After six months of doing that, something dramatic happened to me. I ... Became a Christian. That was April 17, 1977. It just so happens that as I am typing this, it is now April 17, 2009. I did not plan this. I did not even perceive this until just before I typed it. Thirty-two years and two divinity degrees later - and I can tell you - I am just getting a good start in the depths of the material in that Book. But let's go back to 1977 and talk logic.


On that day in 1977, what happened to all the knowledge in my head from all my educational years? Did it ... Vanish? Did all the evolutionary materials about adaptations, mutations, geological dating, carbon 14 dating ... Just disappear? (If so, how did I just write that last sentence ... 32 years later?) And what about all the Humanistic metaphysics of a lifetime? Did all those values and opinions ... Simply evaporate? And what about the claim in the old paragraph - that, "I ... Became a Christian"? Was that notification the succeed of an epiphany of some sort, or an instant infusion of mental material from the surface - that at the same time wiped out all the Darwinian materials, and its spinoffs, as well as all the Secular Humanistic philosophies and values? When, "I ... Became a Christian" does that mean my mind was erased and only "narrow minded" Christianity was planted in my gray matter? Or is it inherent that six months of incommunicable Bible investigation (followed up by 32 more years and counting) weighed Naturalism and Humanism ... And those "first materials" collapsed before the Biblical ones? This reminds me of ...

"The Handwriting on the Wall"

In 539 B.C., Belshazzar, King of Babylon, decided to party with the gold and silver vessels his father had plundered from the Temple in Jerusalem. At the height of the fun, a hand appeared and wrote this on the wall: "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin." "Then the king's face grew pale, and his thoughts alarmed him; and his hip joints went slack, and his knees began knocking together." Daniel was called in to translate the writing. For my isogeted purposes here, the first three words of this message I will use: "'Mene, Mene,' ... God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it (stated twice - so, once for the kingdom of Naturalism and once for the kingdom of Humanism), 'Tekel,' ... You have been weighed on the scales and found deficient" (Dan 5:25-27). When Naturalism and Humanism became pitted against the Bible ... Both kingdoms were weighed, found deficient - and put to an end. And ever since then, to use a football phrase, the Bible has just kept "piling on." God does not hesitate in running up the score. And He makes no apologies for His merciless assault.

One time my mom charged, "You never listen!" I replied, "Mom, I have listened. I heard and understood your every word. What you mean is, 'You never obey!'" You see, I have listened very determined to the contentions of the atheistic Naturalist and the Humanist. I still do. If you have read much of my material, you know I have listened more determined than many who adhere to those systems. But, both fell (and continue falling) before "the handwriting on the wall."

Breadth of Mind

One of the beauties of Christianity is that no one is to accept the convictions of another. God calls each someone to come directly to Him and construct his/her own. In fact, that is genuine Christianity. Do you have a qoute with a hand appearing out of nowhere ... And writing on a wall? (Dan 5). What about the sun standing still "for about a whole day"? (Josh 10:13). What about God creating the universe and earth in six calender days? (Gen 1:1-31). What about Jesus Christ walking out of the tomb three days after having been slaughtered on a Roman cross? (Mt 28, Mk 16, Lk 24, and Jn 20, 21). Believing these things - and all the other miracles in the Bible (and the ones on the way) - are not to be blindly embraced. And you are not to be talked into believing any Bible claims by some persuasive speaker (1Cor 2:1-5) ... Or writer. You see, God knows that if you are talked into this by someone (other than Himself), you can also be talked out of it. In fact, with the realities of life being what they are, some event, or voice, will come along and do just that. He admonishes each to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil 2:12). Christianity is a one-on-One transaction. So, how is this embrace to be achieved? How about ... Information.

Biblical Faith

The word for "faith" (pistis, n.) or "believe" (pisteuo, v.) is from a family of words denoting "persuasion." Here is the Biblical definition. "Now faith (pistis) is the assurance (hupostasis) of things hoped for, the conviction (elenchos) of things (pragma) not seen" (Heb 11:1). "Hupostasis" means, "to stand under, an assured impression, a mental realizing." It is to vouch for something that one has become convinced - is substantive. "Elenchos" means, "a trial in order to proof, a proof." This does not mean one needs to try to prove His word is true. It is that one tests it for proof that it is true. There is a great distinction between these two approaches and interaction with the Bible and its Author. "Pragma" means, "a thing done, fact, deed, work, matter, affair, transaction, business." We get the word, "pragmatic" which is "concerned with actual practice, not with theory." So Biblical faith is to vouch for the Bible's assertions on the most practical of matters after having been persuaded, through personal testing, of its accuracy and trustworthiness. The persuaded proclaimer has been "sold" - by One who sells without manipulation, deceit, or a perverted self- interest.

Blind Faith ... Versus an Extrapolated Faith

"But, you were not there when that hand wrote on the wall, or the sun stood still, or the earth was made in six calender days, or Jesus rose from the dead - and yet you believe all that? It sure sounds like a blind faith to me." Well, if these things were believed in a vacuum, I would agree. But, that is not how God works with a person. Those who seek Him are dealt with so convincingly in their present tense world that, without even realizing it, they find themselves being able to embrace His claimed deeds - for which they were not present. Such embraces are an extrapolation of faith based upon tested proofs of His word in one's personal experience. This is one way a person's "faith is greatly enlarged" (2Thes 1:3), or how one's "faith grows" (2Cor 10:15). This phenomenal amelioration is the opposite of a blind faith. It is the occasion of one's eyes to be able to embrace God's abilities - and His phenomenal accounts. But it goes even additional than this. One becomes persuaded that things He says He is going to do - are rock solid claims. One even begins ordering one's life upon His proclaimed hereafter actions. This is absolutely quite astonishing. For example, believing in Judgment Day changes everything here and now. It not only acts as a restraint toward errant deeds - it also motivates one to do things He says He will eternally reward! Extrapolated faith has power. Blind faith is a weak and fearful grasp at some wished-for hope. The Living creator has no need, or desire, to place Himself at the end of such a grasp. He deals with His creatures by a faith of substance. This is not ... An oxymoron.

And For the record ...

This does not rule out the occurrence of dramatic, subjective "events" in one's faith journey. I have experienced incidents that I am definite God was behind. I am happy to share those things (and often do), but as they are subjective in nature, I know that many view them as wishful interpretations - that I credit to "God." This even happened to Paul (Acts 22 and Acts 26). But while dramatic, personal incidents from God are efficient and do transform - they are primarily catalysts for objective Bible ingestion and interaction. One is "nourished on the words of the faith" (1Tim 4:6) and the gaining of accurate, objective, Bible knowledge and understandings is the customary source for faith accruement.

A Personal Narrative?

Actually, this record is about ... You. Your personal narrative. God does not want you to forget the Naturalism you have been taught ... Or the secular Humanism values you hold - and have been sold. He wants to confront them with His positions and defeat them inside of you. He wants to broaden your mind as you study His claims into other possibilities on the given branch areas. But His goal is not appeasement or peaceful coexistence with contrarian positions. His purpose is annihilation of them and His domination in you. In fact, His goal is to eventually use you in "destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God" (1Cor 10:5). What do you think about that?

But, how can that be done ... If you do not have the additional knowledge of His positions? And how can that be done ... If you have not been persuaded to aggressively adopt those positions? And how can you destroy the validity of contrary knowledge ... Unless you know that contrarian material, too? You must be mentally adequate to see its weak spots - to bring it down. God does not assault "Straw Men." He wants us to accurately understand the other side's positions and assault and demolish the "Real Man." This requires a greater breadth of mind ... Than you may currently possess.

So, ... Do not come to your creator unless you are willing to branch yourself to such a process. And it is a process. His intention is to grow you into being an apologist for Him. This will necessitate that He open your mind "in order to understand the Scriptures" (Lk 24:45). But don't worry, "the onions and the garlic" of Naturalism and Humanism will still be there (Nu 11:5) ... If you want to go back to them. But, you won't.

Interestingly, one qualification for becoming an overseer in the church is one must be able "to refute those who contradict" (Tit 1:9). Some seek to restrict this to internal Bible squabbles so that the beloved "overseer" only needs to be a denominational loyalist - and the refutation is toward other professing Christians who do not adhere to their sect's singular distinctives. But such an insight truly is narrow minded. Naturalism and Humanism (in all its assorted shades) both contradict the Bible on just about every branch improbable - bodily and metaphysical. The overseer of God must be able to refute "those who contradict" ... Including the secularisms (plural) surface the church walls. If they can't - or won't - those contrary views will not stay surface their church walls. They will come right through the front door, populate the pews, migrate into the decision manufacture positions and then infect, and defect, what is to be an oasis of God in this desert. Overseers must be able to accurately report contrary positions and then refute them by "handling accurately the word of truth" (2Tim 2:15).

To gain the breadth of mind needful to become a Christian - and especially to advance to church leadership roles - is a tall order. If you conclude to seek this out, God will challenge you. He will challenge you mentally. He will challenge you emotionally. He will challenge you volitionally. You will be exercised as far as you are willing to go. And even if you apply yourself a thousand times more diligently than say, a someone like me, I know you will be the first to utter you are only starting to scratch the surface of "the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God" (Ro 11:33). So, I guess there is only one thing left to do. It is time for you to begin, or continue, your personal record with the God of the Bible. That gives me great pleasure ... And I look forward to reading your list - here or hereafter.

I hope you receive new knowledge about 4Th Grade Math. Where you may put to easy use in your life. And just remember, your reaction is 4Th Grade Math.Read more.. conversational tone Breadth of Mind and the Bible - A Personal description. View Related articles related to 4Th Grade Math. I Roll below. I have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Breadth of Mind and the Bible - A Personal description.

Homework Tips For a flourishing School Year

4Th Grade Math - Homework Tips For a flourishing School Year The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination Homework Tips For a flourishing School Year. And the content related to 4Th Grade Math.

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4Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Now that most students have been in school for a few weeks, the challenge of completing homework may be starting. Many students struggle with completing their homework each night in a timely, accurate, sufficient way without getting frustrated. There are several strategies a learner can take to minimize homework struggles each night of the week.

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How is Homework Tips For a flourishing School Year

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math.

First, a learner must have a homework plan of operation or schedule. The learner needs to take into inventory several factors and variables. The first one is after school activities and sports. Make out a program of the days and times of all obligations. Then, frame out what time and for how long you have to perfect your homework. Once the program is determined, a plan of operation will follow. I propose having a wholesome snack before completing homework especially if you will be working right after school. Breaks should be taken often to keep your mind sharp and boredom at bay. A good study area without distractions is important. A learner should have a quiet area, with fullness of desk space, and acceptable school supplies to be affective.

Next, the learner should determine the order in which homework should be completed. There are many distinct strategies to follow, but the best one I have seen is to perfect the homework from hardest to easiest. Anyone branch is the most difficult for the student, this homework should be completed first. Also, assignments that are due the next day should be completed before long-term assignments are tackled. If a learner has 20 math problems to perfect for class the next day and an essay to write for English that is due the next week, the math homework should be done first. Then, the learner should work for 20-30 minutes on the essay each night so that the night before it is due he/she will not have to spend hours completing the assignment.

The next question is usually, how long should a learner spend doing his/her homework. Of procedure this depends on the grade of the student. Here are some guidelines to follow:

1st Grade: 20 minutes
2-4th Grades: 30 minutes
5-6th Grades: 1 hour
7-8th Grades: 1 hour - 1 and a half hours
9-12th Grades: 30 minutes per subject

Any more time spent than these guidelines usually proves to be breathtaking and counter-productive for the student.

Please do not forget about study time and notes review. In my opinion, there is no such thing as, "Oh, I don't have any homework tonight, the teacher did not assign anything." Even if there is no assignment due the next day, a learner should always recap their class notes from that day or re-read the current part in the textbook. Time should be spent every night learning the current material and reviewing past material. True learning comes from students retaining knowledge in their long-term memories rather than cramming it in their short- term memories for a test. Through constant recap and recycling of the material, a learner will gain true learning.

Lastly, if a learner is truly struggling with completing his/her homework each night, it may be time to seek out a underground in-home tutor. A underground tutor can help a learner perfect his/her homework, but they can do so much more than this. A underground in-home tutor can help a learner gain belief in school with the branch matter and improve his/her grades. If a learner is struggling early on in the school year, the longer a parent waits to find the learner help, the more difficult it will be for the learner to supervene in the class.

I hope you receive new knowledge about 4Th Grade Math. Where you'll be able to offer used in your day-to-day life. And most of all, your reaction is 4Th Grade Math.Read more.. see page Homework Tips For a flourishing School Year. View Related articles associated with 4Th Grade Math. I Roll below. I actually have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Homework Tips For a flourishing School Year.

Stop School Violence!

4Th Grade Math - Stop School Violence! The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination Stop School Violence!. And the content associated with 4Th Grade Math.

Do you know about - Stop School Violence!

4Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

There has been lots of media coverage over the tragic shooting rampage at Northern Illinois University at DeKalb, which left 6 citizen dead. It now appears that the shooter was an perfect previous pupil with a history of thinking problems. Apparently he went off his medication and the ensue is numerous injured and six dead.

What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about 4Th Grade Math. You check out this article for information about a person need to know is 4Th Grade Math.

How is Stop School Violence!

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math.

In the wake of the reporting of the tragedy, many comparisons are being made to the Virginia Tech massacre. And, in a spirit of trying to understand what is happening on our campuses, the arguments for and against gun operate have been renewed and the slayings at Columbine have been hashed over.

The facts I have for you today is scary. While most of the news stories have been focusing on Niu, there have been shootings and killings going on in schools over the country at an ever-increasing rate.

2008 may well be remembered for the amount of students killed on campus.

Starting early in the year:

Jan. 4th, a 17 year old junior was shot and killed by other junior at Tacoma's Foss High School. Jan. 11th, at Mitchell High School in Memphis, Tennessee, a sophomore girl shot a senior girl twice in gym class, wounding her critically. The shooter then handed the gun to the coach, saying, "It's over now." Just this week alone, there have been five shootings and a shooting threat, in increasing to the Uin rampage. Last Thursday a school shooting took place in Portsmouth, Ohio. On Friday, Louisiana Tech in Baton Rouge was the shooting site. Tuesday, at a Junior High School in Oxnard, California, a pupil was left brain-dead from a gunshot wound. Just yesterday, on Friday, drive-by shootings took place in Las Vegas, Nevada at both Palo Verde High School and at Whitney Elementary. A 9th grade boy later died. Finally, also on Friday, Lakeside Middle School in Anderson, South Carolina, discovered a pupil with a history of thinking illness threatening to "create other Columbine".

We have so many problems in study in the Usa. Everyone is scrambling for solutions to the dismal reading, math and science results that have made our schools the laughingstock of the globe. Some blame teachers, others blame parents, and some blame the media and community at large. There are some teachers who should not be teaching. There are parents who are unfit, and many more who don't know how to parent. The media glamorizes sex and violence 24 hours a day. And there are so many societal problems contributing to the breakdown of families, homes and schools that something Must be done.

In the meantime, violence is becoming an everyday occurrence in schools over the country. Yet we only seem to pay attention when a campus shooting is publicized in the media. Why is it so difficult to make citizen perceive that we must unite to force the needed changes in our schools and in our society?

We need a nationwide movement of parents, teachers and taxpayers Demanding the needed changes. If it doesn't get better, it can only get worse.

I hope you have new knowledge about 4Th Grade Math. Where you'll be able to offer use in your day-to-day life. And above all, your reaction is 4Th Grade Math.Read more.. on front page Stop School Violence!. View Related articles related to 4Th Grade Math. I Roll below. I even have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Stop School Violence!.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pigs, Relativity, Statistics and What Sells

4Th Grade Math - Pigs, Relativity, Statistics and What Sells The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Pigs, Relativity, Statistics and What Sells. And the content associated with 4Th Grade Math.

Do you know about - Pigs, Relativity, Statistics and What Sells

4Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I am blown away by the psychosis going on worldwide about this new flu virus that very sadly killed a amount of people in Mexico.  It is not at all my intention to undermine the danger or the gravity and tragedy for the families who lost their loved ones to this virus. 

What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about 4Th Grade Math. You check out this article for home elevators a person wish to know is 4Th Grade Math.

How is Pigs, Relativity, Statistics and What Sells

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math.

However, I would like a minuscule bit of relativity and perspective in media coverage and allow people to live a general life, without the phobia of some obscure virus.
Here are some statistics:

In 2007, there were 41,059 road deaths in the Us.  This, by the way, was the bottom since 1994.  It is a pretty high amount absolutely if you bring it back to the reality of distraught families, children, parents, husbands and wives.  everyone can somehow recite to that.  I lived in the Cayman Islands for 7 years.  That amount is more or less the people of the island I lived on.  So in one year, it would be like approximately an whole -albeit small - country destroyed.

Now let's look at it from other perspective:  There are just over 300 million inhabitants in the Us.  Going back to my 4th or 5th grade class (or was it later or earlier?), let me see if I can come up with a percentage.  Please precise me if I am wrong: 41,059 out of 300,000,000 comes to about 0.013% of the population.  It doesn't seem like a lot any more, does it?

Cancer deaths are in the 500,000 yearly.  That's approximately 0.17% of the population. Cardiovascular diseases claim colse to 900,000 lives on average, i.e. 0.3% of the population.  The total death rate in the Us in 2008 was 8.27 per 1000 population, in other words 0.8%.  The median death rate in Africa is about 13 or 14 per 1000, which is approximately double.  Some African countries reach the sad description of close to 30 per 1000.

So back to the Us:  As I am writing this, the airwaves are raving all over the world about 40 cases of a new form of flu that has not killed whatever yet in this country.  40 cases!!!!  Out of 300 million people living in the Us!  Do you want to know what division that is of non-dead people?  0.00013%!!!  Since when is that an epidemic?

Why have we been hearing about this constantly over the last few days?  Airlines are cancelling flights to Mexico, people are cancelling their vacation...  We have created a phobia!  There are, as I write this, about 1600 alleged cases of the swine flu in Mexico, 149 confirmed deaths.  There are approximately 110 million inhabitants in Mexico, about 20 million of which are in Mexico City.  Do I need to do the math? 

Can we focus on the fact that 99.99987% of the American people does not have the swine flu?  Can we focus on the fact that, this year, 99.2% of the American people is absolutely going to live and enjoy life?  Can we remember that thousands of people drive their car every day and come back home safe?  Can we be aware of all the life colse to us and enjoy it?

I would like to dare the media, just for one week, to show only unavoidable news, to show the reality of the world and not just the drama, blood and twisted news that they always show.  For each car crash that makes the headline, there have been thousands of safe trips in the very same spot.  For each case of the swine flu, there are thousands healthy and happy kids in schools' playground.  Let's put things into perspective and carry on living life!

I hope you will get new knowledge about 4Th Grade Math. Where you can put to used in your daily life. And most of all, your reaction is 4Th Grade Math.Read more.. do you agree Pigs, Relativity, Statistics and What Sells. View Related articles associated with 4Th Grade Math. I Roll below. I actually have recommended my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Pigs, Relativity, Statistics and What Sells.

The divergence in the middle of Broadband Internet And a School Library

4Th Grade Math - The divergence in the middle of Broadband Internet And a School Library The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination The divergence in the middle of Broadband Internet And a School Library. And the content related to 4Th Grade Math.

Do you know about - The divergence in the middle of Broadband Internet And a School Library

4Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Every pupil in our respective school or university has a coarse purpose. Their goal is not only to pass their subjects and lively on to the next level, but they want to prove themselves worthy to others. Since they started school at the age of 4 to 5, their parents were reasoning that their child will have a brighter future. The studying process from pre-school to college is really a long journey for the student, but it gives them more time to learn more and make friends with others. An midpoint pupil who spends his or her time in school will range from 15 to 16 years. But it really depends on the student's willingness and dedication to his or her studies. It is to decree how long he or she spends time in the school or university, either passed or failed. During their 3rd to 4th grade stage, it is their time to know the real use of the school library. The instructors will teach them how to explore properly using the books they have on the library. It needs to browse as many books as possible, either the sequence is individual or by group.

What I said. It is not outcome that the real about 4Th Grade Math. You look at this article for information about an individual want to know is 4Th Grade Math.

How is The divergence in the middle of Broadband Internet And a School Library

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 4Th Grade Math.

As they move transmit towards the secondary level, the level of explore has come to be broader and more difficult. The teacher is not going easy for his or her students to just explore some easy stuff. As part of their growth, the pupil needs to explore deeply in order to find relevant data for his assignment, narrative or project. School library is where the students and teachers are spending their time researching, but it cost them a lot of books and time to get anyone they want. Why don't we try to use the internet as our alternative source of researching? If you think that internet is a relevant source of data and is best than a school or public library, let's try to assess between the two. A school library is designed for schools and universities as a place for researching. What you can see in a school or public library is full of books, magazines and newspapers. If you are searching about three things like Science, Math and English for example, it needs you to have at least one resource book for each subject.

This will cost you a lot of time browsing every page of the book, and it is not guaranteed that you will find the one you are looking for. But if we want to convert the way of researching fast and accurate, we use internet as the best thing to do. It is carefully to be the world's largest virtual library because you can hunt any subject you want in just one click. Going back to the English, Math and Science situation, you can open many windows or tabs on your browser for each of the subjects you have. In just one click, it will give you hundreds or thousands of results for you to look on. It's really helpful and it can save you time to do other things than sticking to a school library. But we don't underestimate that school libraries are history, because they are the customary ones. We still need them for sure, but the internet can save us time to stop our tasks.

I hope you have new knowledge about 4Th Grade Math. Where you'll be able to put to use in your daily life. And above all, your reaction is 4Th Grade Math.Read more.. sources tell me The divergence in the middle of Broadband Internet And a School Library. View Related articles associated with 4Th Grade Math. I Roll below. I even have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share The divergence in the middle of Broadband Internet And a School Library.